Après 10 ans passés dans l’industrie et un séjour postdoctoral à MIT, Jürg Schiffmann est nommé professeur assistant à l’EPFL en 2013 où il dirige le Laboratoire de conception mécanique appliquée. Ses recherches portent sur la conception mécanique de syst…
Luca Ortelli is a Professor at the EPFL, ENAC School of Architecture, where he is the head of the Construction and Conservation laboratory. He is the author of numerous articles on domestic architecture, with emphasis on Nordic examples. Professor Ortelli…
Martin Odersky is a professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. He has been working on programming languages for most of his career. He first studied structured and object-oriented programming as a PhD student of Niklaus Wirth, then fell in love with func…
Michel Bierlaire holds a PhD in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Namur, Belgium. Between 1995 and 1998, he was research associate and project manager at the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technolog…
Nikolas Geroliminis is an Associate Professor at EPFL and the head of the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS). Before joining EPFL he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota. He has a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National …
Per Bergamin is Professor for Didactics in Distance Education and E-Learning at the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS). Since 2006 he acts as the Director of the Institute for Research in Open-, Distance- and eLearning (IFeL) and from 20…
<a href="https://people.epfl.ch/pierre.dillenbourg?lang=en">Pierre Dillenbourg</a> is professor in learning technologies in the School of Computer & Communication Sciences, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). A…
Rolf Gruetter is Professor at EPFL Head of the Laboratory for functional and metabolic imaging and Director of the Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) since 2004. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physics and Biophysics, respectively …
Viktor Kuncak is an associate professor in the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences, where, since 2007, he leads the Laboratory for Automated Reasoning and Analysis (http://lara.epfl.ch). He works in formal methods with emphasis on algorithm…
After studies of Physics in Tübingen and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Master 1989), Wulfram Gerstner spent a year as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley. He received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Technical University Munich in 1…
Prof. Dr. Ranka Junge (emerita), Institute of Natural Resource Sciences at ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management.
Her expertise and research interest include nature-based technologies involving water and nutrient recycling, such as aquapon…
Raphaël Lamotte is a PostDoctoral researcher at Urban Transport Systems Laboratory at EPFL, where he completed his PhD in November 2018. He also holds an Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Lyon (France) and a M.A.Sc. from Concordia University (Canada)…
Dr. Raquel Montero Muñoz greift zurück auf eine langjährige Lehrerfahrung in den Bereichen Linguistik mit besonderem Schwerpunkt in der Varietätenlinguistik, Sprachpolitik und Migrationslinguistik.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Regine Eile is Lecturer and Head Cell Cultivation Techniques at ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management.
Regine Eibl has held an engineering degree in “Biotechnology” since 1987 and a Ph.D. in biotechnology from the Technical …
Dr. Reinhard Koenig studied architecture and urban planning. He completed his PhD thesis in 2009 at the University of Karlsruhe. Dr. Koenig has worked as a research assistant and appointed Interim Professor at Bauhaus-University Weimar. He heads research …
Renate Schubert is a professor for economics at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Zürich (ETHZ). She is author of numerous articles and books o n decision-making under risk and uncertainty, on energy and environmental issues, on developing cou…
Roland Siegwart is a Professor of Autonomous Systems at ETH Zurich. After studying mechanics and mechatronics he was engaged in starting up a spin-off company, spent ten years as professor for autonomous microsystems at EPFL Lausanne and he held visiting …
Roland works with faculty members and doctoral assistants to improve teaching at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he also teaches courses in Learning Sciences. Before moving to Switzerland, he worked in primary and secondary teac…
Image Analyst, BioImaging and Optics Platform at the Life Science Sciences Faculty Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. After he received his Ph.D in Life Science in 2011, he was hired at the BIOP as an image analyst in order to serve as a bridge bet…