Showing 161 to 180 of 292 instructors matching your search
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Marc Gruber

Marc is a world-leading researcher in the domain of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. He is Vice President for Innovation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he also heads the Ch…

Marc Soutter

Marc Soutter est ingénieur en sciences de l’environnement et docteur ès sciences techniques. Après des activités de recherche et d’enseignement, notamment à l’EPFL et à 2ie, dans les domaines des sciences du sol et de l’hydrologie, de la pollution de l’ai…

Marcel Brülisauer

Marcel Bruelisauer is a researcher and PhD candidate at the FCL Low Exergy Module. During and since receiving his MSc in civil engineering from ETH Zurich, he has been active in the field of sustainable construction and building systems on three different…

Marco Clemente

Prof. Dr. Center for Corporate Responsibility, ZHAW School of Management and Law

Marco Clemente, Ph.D., is a Professor of Sustainability and Management at ZHAW, School of Management and Law. Marco's research and teaching focus on sustainability, ethics…

Marco J. Menichetti

Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti
Marco, heading the Chair in Banking and Financial Management, is working on sustainability in finance for a while, starting with renewable energy finance projects within the framework of "Erasmus Intensive Programs" in 2012. I…

Marco Hutter

Marco Hutter is a professor in robotics and intelligent systems at the mechanical engineering department of ETH Zurich.

Marco Picasso

Marco Picasso est Professeur dans l'Institut MATHICSE de l'EPFL. Son domaine de recherche est la simulation numérique des équations aux dérivees partielles. Ses contributions vont de l'étude de la convergence de schémas numériques à la simulation numériqu…

Marco Piccioni

Marco Piccioni is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich. After having received a Ph.D. from ETH for his work on API usability, persistence, and object-oriented class schema evolution, his research interests are now foc…

Margarita Chli

Margarita Chli is an Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and head of the Vision for Robotics Lab ( Originally coming from Greece and Cyprus, she received both her Bachelor and Master degrees in Information and Computing Engin…

Marianne Schmid Mast

Marianne Schmid Mast est professeure ordinaire de comportement organisationnel à la HEC de l'Université de Lausanne.

Ses recherches portent sur les interactions sociales, la communication verbale et non verbale, les hiérarchies de pouvoir, la formati…

Marina Petkova

Dr. Marina Petkova ist Dozentin und Co-Studiengangleiterin des Bachelors «Sprachliche Integration» am Institute of Language Competence, Departement für Angewandte Linguistik, ZHAW. Ihre Forschungstätigkeit umfasst Bereiche wie Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachk…

Mario Botta

Graduated from the Venice Istituto Universitario di Architettura (IUAV). Professor of the Federal Polytechnics of Lausanne and Zurich as well as honorary professor of a number of universities. He has received important international awards and completed p…

Marion Muff

Marion is a Teaching Assistant in the Ecosystems and Landscape Evolution research group at ETH Zurich. She is currently completing her Master's degree in Environmental Sciences at ETH Zurich with a major in Ecology and Evolution. During her studies, she s…

Markus Schläpfer

Markus Schläpfer is currently leading the Urban Complexity project at the ETH Future Cities Lab in Singapore. After receiving his PhD from ETH Zurich in Mechanical Engineering, he conducted postdoctoral fellowships at MIT's Senseable City Lab and at the S…

Martha Velasco

Department head in the study program “Sustainability and Circular Innovation”, Lecturer

Martha holds a Ph.D. in Technological Innovation Projects by the Barcelona Tech University (UPC) in Spain. In 2005 she started her professional career in the…

Martin Hlosta

Martin Hlosta is a research fellow at the Institute for Distance Learning and eLearning Research (IFeL), working on projects for adaptive learning in education. Before that, he led OUAnalyse at the Open University, a project improving student retention vi…

Martin Eichler

Martin Eichler is Chief Economist and member of the Executive Board of BAK Economics AG. He is a regular public speaker with a strong presence in the Swiss and international media.

As Chief Economist at BAK Economics, he is responsible for quality of the…

Martin Gijs

Martin is Professor of Microsystems at the School of Engineering at EPFL. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Leuven, Belgium in 1986. After his Ph.D. and before joining EPFL in 1997, he was a researcher at the Philips Research Laborat…

Martin Rufli

Martin Rufli is a Research Scientist at IBM Research Zurich. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mechanical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in robotics, all from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in 2006, 2008, and 2012, respectively. From September 2012 t…

Matthew Walter

Matthew Walter is an assistant professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. He works as

  • Ph. D. in Robotics at MIT in 2007

  • Research Scientist at MIT until 2014