Showing 41 to 60 of 109 instructors matching your search
Hans-Jörg Ruppen

Hans-Jörg Ruppen a travaillé comme enseignant au niveau secondaire supérieur en Suisse. Il a été professeur titulaire dans une école d'ingénieur en Suisse avant d'être nommé Professeur titulaire à l' Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) et Dire…

Prof. Heather Miller

Heather Miller is an assistant professor in Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science. Previously, she was a research scientist at EPFL, and the co-founder and executive director of the Scala Center.

Hélène Fueger

Helene Fueger est titulaire d'une maîtrise en sciences politiques et d'un Executive Master en administration publique. Depuis 2015, elle est déléguée à l'égalité des chances à l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Helene Fueger a une longue e…

Ingrid Le Duc

Ingrid has worked for more than a decade on teaching and learning by supporting teachers and program directors of STEM disciplines and Social and Human Sciences to identify what works best in teaching and for learning by using qualitative and quantitative…

Inza Koné

Emmanuel Midibahaye HEMA is a water and forestry engineer, has a PhD in applied sciences of animal biology and ecology. He is a researcher at the Centre Universitaire Polytechnique de Dédougou/Université Ouaga 1 J. KI-ZERBO in Burkina Faso, a visiting pro…

Prof. Jean-Philippe Ansermet

Jean-Philippe Ansermet est, depuis 1992, professeur de physique à la Faculté des Sciences de Base de l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Il enseigne au 1er cycle la mécanique et la thermodynamique. Il offre régulièrement un cours de dynamique des …

Jean-Philippe Hogge

Jean-Philippe Hogge received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from EPFL. He spent then two years at MIT as a post-doctoral fellow and is now permanently employed at CRPP. His domain of expertise covers mainly the development of high power microwave s…

Jessica Dehler Zufferey

Forschung und Praxis im Bereich der digitalen Bildung zusammenzubringen, ist der Fokus von Jessica Dehler Zufferey. Daran arbeitete sie in der Vergangenheit als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Freiburg (CH) und an der ETH Lausanne, sowi…

Joël Rivet

Enseignant en sciences physiques au Lycée et collège Saint-Genès La Salle à Bordeaux, il y enseigne également L'ICN et l'ISN. Il est également compositeur de musique.

Johannes Gräff

Johannes Gräff was born and raised in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, in St. Gallen. After high school, he moved across the language boarder to the French-speaking University of Lausanne, where he completed his undergraduate studies. During those…

Juergen Brugger

Juergen is Professor in Microengineering and Materials Science at the School of Engineering at EPFL. He received his Ph.D. from University of Neuchatel, Switzerland. Before joining EPFL he had research assignments at Hitachi Research in Tokyo, IBM Researc…

Karen Scrivener

Director of the Laboratory of Construction Materials and Full Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Karen Scrivener works at the interface between academic research and industrial applications in the cement industry. Her academic studies …

Karen Zysman

Karen Zysman is a lecturer at the Construction and Conservation laboratory of the EPFL, ENAC School of Architecture. She is an architect (EPFL) and teaches in the 3rd year Design Studio on Housing, and in the Master-level course on History of Housing.

Klaus Schönenberger

Klaus Schönenberger spent over 10 years in the medical devices industry in leading positions. In 2009 he was shocked by the inequality in access to essential medical devices between industrialized and poor countries. He thus left the industry and went to …

Marc Soutter

Marc Soutter est ingénieur en sciences de l’environnement et docteur ès sciences techniques. Après des activités de recherche et d’enseignement, notamment à l’EPFL et à 2ie, dans les domaines des sciences du sol et de l’hydrologie, de la pollution de l’ai…

Marco Picasso

Marco Picasso est Professeur dans l'Institut MATHICSE de l'EPFL. Son domaine de recherche est la simulation numérique des équations aux dérivees partielles. Ses contributions vont de l'étude de la convergence de schémas numériques à la simulation numériqu…

Martin Eichler

Martin Eichler is Chief Economist and member of the Executive Board of BAK Economics AG. He is a regular public speaker with a strong presence in the Swiss and international media.

As Chief Economist at BAK Economics, he is responsible for quality of the…

Martin Gijs

Martin is Professor of Microsystems at the School of Engineering at EPFL. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Leuven, Belgium in 1986. After his Ph.D. and before joining EPFL in 1997, he was a researcher at the Philips Research Laborat…

Matthias Finger

Prof. Matthias Finger has been a Professor of Management of Network Industries at EPFL since 2002. As of 2010 he also directs the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute. He holds a PhD in Political Science…

Maxime Audouin

Maxime Audouin holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, and a Master of Science in Energy Management from EPFL, Switzerland. He joined the Chair Management of Network Industries, in the College of Management of Technology at EPFL in 2015 …